Monday, March 21, 2011

Indians appreciate emotions greater than the jubilation of victory on the field

Yet another flop show by Indian Captain. Finally, someone decides to ask the question that everyone want to ('The Rs. 210 crore Man'). How nuts about celebrities are we Indians? Dhoni's 'cool' persona you have etched out very well, so hats off to him and his pay hike. yet, your pie chart shows that film actresses occupy the tiger's share of celebrity endorsement time on TV. So does this mean that Dhoni is paid for more every second he spends on air, or is it that the earnings of Bollywood's lovely ladies have escaped the media glare. In my view, actresses have a far more nuanced appeal for Indians who appreciate emotions greater than the jubilation of victory on the field. This makes them bond better with viewers, making them better endorsers. 

But my question is when he will perform in the matches..............

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