Friday, March 25, 2011

To Find A Way Through

To Find A Way Through

I've Been Lost Here For for to many years,
Consumed by memories, bloodshed and tears,
I've lost sight of who i am,
Caught in a life i wish i never had,
I was born with a violence in my heart,
Now i have a second chance,
To walk away and start again,
Another country, Another life,
Will i make the same mistakes twice?
Or take a different path

Take my hand and lead the way,
I'm scared I'll lose the path again,
and get lost along the way,
Spend my days trapped in a haze,
waste my life with nothing to show for it,
Spend it all wallowing in the shit,
Of everything I've ever loved and lost,

I fought my way back to the beaten track,
From the darkest places of my mind,
I walk this path to a better life,
And leave the ghosts of my past behind

Mood: Tired 

1 comment:

  1. A different country, a different life....they are not a magic wand to wipe away your yesterdays. There are no magic wands. There are second chances, but make sure your second chance will not rob you of something that you will regret not having. Everything comes with a price. Sometimes the price is very high. Make your decisions for the right reasons, not for the reasons of desperation.
