Sunday, September 4, 2011

Beneath the Waves and Against the Current

You held me under the water until I couldn’t breathe
It made an ache in my lungs that refuses to leave
I fight for the surface, but I’m sinking even more
I hear your muffled screams; things you couldn’t say before
Unable to drown, I try to resist
Failing freedom you push me into an abyss
You loosen your grip and I break through the waves
But you pull me deeper and once again I’m a slave
You help me under water until my lungs began to burn
I wanted you to feel this; I waited for your turn
I made it to the surface and took in all the air
I looked to see your face but you weren’t anywhere
Down I go again beneath the water’s surface
Failure again; I wonder what is this fights purpose?
Finally I make it to the top
You’re coming for me and you’re not going to stop
My insanity grabs you by the neck and forces you down
Abandoning logic, I force you to drown
And I held you under the water until you couldn’t breathe
Forcing my ache upon you so that it could never leave

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