Sunday, September 4, 2011

Apparntly taking pictures of Cutting scars is the new Cool thing to do

I found all these On this website within 5mins of looking around..
If someone wants to Cut themselves to make themselves feel better then
whatever more power to you.. But to take pictures of it and post it up and then say No one cares about you or that you dont care about yourself is quite bullshit.

1. Your looking for attention and sympathy.
2. You wanna create this "image" you are so desperatly trying to pull off.
3. And if you hate yourself so much save yourself the time and either Cut Straight downwards and just hit a vein already or do it oldschool and Get a rope.

Follow the Picture and make it fucking count


  1. Ur a heartless person with no soul.. yes some cut for the attention but wether that is true or not it means that that person in struggling from something (no matter what that is) and needs help... how can you encourage people to kill tehmselves and talk about this subject like this... u are an ignorant insensitive Bastard and have NO idea what ur talking about .... Grow up and do some research behind the psycological reasons behind cutting... and maybe have a heart like an resonable decent human being...

    1. exactly! dude have a heart. and dont EVER tell somebody to kill themselves. trust me, they just might.

    2. She is one fucked up crazy bitch. Get a damn life and stop being a bitch. I ave.a friend who cuts and he has shown people not becuase he is proud or thinks its cool. He wanted help that was the only way he new how to ask. Oh and also he tried to commit sucide twice. Proably becuase people like u telling him to get a rope and die. Mabey you should find your self one and slip it around that ignorent neck of yours. BITCH!

    3. You are so two faced you just did what you told the person who wrote this not to do. You are stupid as fuck. Don't tell people to kill themselves. And just remember karma's a bitch.

  2. Wow. You're a bitch. Sorry to say. But there's people out there who actually do need help. Me being one of them. I hope you get AIDS and die (:

    1. Personally I feel like Amy u are very incompetent I've been doing it since z8 and I was born mentally I'll sooo u can't just say these things THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON. Don't be a deplaurale prick about it is all I have to say

  3. Some people do have problems and are looking for help. I think your a bullshitter, since you have nothing better to do but worry and sneak around looking for these cry for help pictures, WHY DONT YOU kill yourself. If you don't want to see stuff like this, don't fucking search it. I'm a cutter.. Not proud of it and I DO NEED HELP. so get a damn life.

    1. Yeah, yeah, you see what I mean? You should be looking at YOURSELF in the mirror, sweetheart, and realize who's the real bullshitter here.
      Amy's being stupid, you are being horrid. Telling somebody to KILL themself when you CUT.
      Did I mention the tidbit about you telling somebody else to kill themself just because they said it to you?
      Do you think you are justified in telling somebody that because of what you do to yourself and whatever you've been through? Because if you do, you are WRONG. You are WORSE THAN HER, whether you think that or not. SO MUCH WORSE.
      You are at complete liberty to shut the hell up before more excrement falls out of your head and onto the keyboard. You HYPOCRITE.

  4. Wow guys. This post might be a little insensitive, but everyone going off about how horrible of a person she is and how she should die doesn't make you any better.


      YOU MORON.

  5. omg you are sick!! how can you say that!! and how can you post such picture!! omg! you are a really big asshole!!!!

  6. Don't judge a book by its cover. I have done the same thgings in my past bt I never uploaded the pics over the internet I hv done it to make myself calm and comfortable. Bt if some people uploading thr pic over the internet it means they r looking for sympathy or thy r showing off to ppl how daring they r.
    To think that I can walk on the burning woods is daring bt actually walk on it its sillyness

    1. why dont you stop pointing out whats wrong with the world and start trying to FIX it.

  7. you, are a fucking asshole cunt!!!! shut the fuck up you hearless cockroach. don't you think that there is no reason for cutting?! the would not just hurt themselves looking for attention! have a fucking heart. they are suffering from depression, me being one of them, have a fucking reason of why we cut. try living our depressing lives and see if you can bare a day without cutting. I want to stop, but I just can't. I had 2 fucking suicide attempts! i was cheated on with my 2 year boyfriend and he bullied me and humiliated me since. you hink iys easy without cutting?! for me its a habbit. and taking pictures of their arms, they just want us to see how much some people hurt them to cause them "that", thinking maybe they will stop!
    I am one of the cutters who hides my cuts, because I don't want people to feel bad about me. I just want others to live their lives happily and not worry. so if your posting blogs about things you see other people do and hate on it, try to think of a reason of why they do it.

  8. Look im not here to live upto ur expectations i write whatever i like, it totally depend on the other person how he/she reacts abt the things maybe u dont like what i wrote bt it doesnt mean that im a heartless creature even i've been through with these things bt i never created a mess out of my situations just to catch attention.
    i am i and u r u maybe we have different way of living and expectations from the life.............

    1. You needa check yourself before you sit here and tell people how to do it mother fucker your a piece of shit

  9. You don't know a SHIT what are you talking about. You just only think your opinion and do you really think that the right one? Do you have feelings at all? You are NOT perfect even if your not cutting yourself. There is reason to cutting, think about that. O I'm sorry you don't care. So just stop being such asshole. Some people cut themselves cause there no one who them can talk about all that shit what they feel or what they going through. I say to you live your own life, with your own problems. (you really have serious promblem)

  10. Wtf is your problem LADY? You need to understand one thing we cut accross the street to just feel something not to actually kill our selves. How stupid do you think we are? Honey we aint that dumb... Your sitting here showing people to cut down the street are you fucking serious... Do you want me to hold you down and cut you down the street nah i dont think so... take this shit off and shut down the site before i do it for you bitch...

  11. the last one is me. Where did you get that picture?

  12. I agree with what someone said before...yes this is very insensitive and no one should wish for another's death just because they are making a cry for attention but guys, behave. Don't be animals and hurt Amy...totally disrespectful children.

    1. My good friend tried to common suicide because people like her telling him to die. He needed help and horribly bad but you really need to watch what you post because this will happen and quite frankly Amy deserves all she is getting on here. She deserves no respect. Because some may have just cut from her remark. I'm not calling you a bitch but Amy is

  13. OMG this is so insensitive. Some people DO want sympathy or attention, and sometimes it is a fad, but most people cut because of a lot of other reasons, not just to be an attention-seeker. I think that even the statement, "remember kids, it's down the road, not across the street" in itself is offensive. It's like you think cutters are stupid idiots and need to be told how to cut properly. Just let them do whatever the hell they want and stop being so judgemental

  14. what the fuck is wrong with you!? there are so many people that cut an want to kill them selves including me and being that i'm one of them it hurts even more knowing that there are people like you in the world. i hope you get whats coming to you.

  15. Your such an asshole. encouraging people to commit suicide is just wrong. Sure, alot of people do it for attention which is just wrong and taking pictures of it is dumb but personally I cut because it helps me. I dont want to die and I will not kill myself. No one ever sees my scars. Showing your scars for attention is stupid. Taking pictures is idiotic. but YOU ARE A STUPID BITCH for encouraging suicide. dumbass

  16. well guys im really sorry to talk abt this bt wat im trying to say is grow up these things wont help u out they'll jst give u pain

    1. we know... but it helps us taking away emotional pain... for maybe some of us rather want to have physical pain than emotional pain... physical heels.... and if we are seeking attention..we are not that idiot to resort on this ... maybe you should know who this people are, understand why they do this rather than judge them quickly.... this is one of the reasons why they do those... SOME people don't understand...
      and Good dAY :)

    2. You should really just take this post down Amy. You should not be saying any of that or if you have not done it you should not be giving you opinion. And really saying more like, I don't know if u intended this bit its written that way, encouraging people to kill don't reluze but this post really hurt people and I don't know if u mean to do that but you have. Best to take it down if possible

  17. you're getting you exact reaction you seek out of doing this - people telling you how disgusting and horrible you are. affirmation that you DESERVE this pain.
    well you don't.
    no matter how bad anything you've ever done is- there are people who truly don't care, and they are called psychopaths. literally, they lack the ability to empathize. sheer numbers tell me you're not one, especially because exhibitionists typically aren't no matter how steadfast or believable their front is.
    i hope you find the release you need. i KNOW how good it is to FEEL, it just doesn't always have to be pain! you'll get there. i hope you do.

  18. You all need to calm the fuck down. Maybe her post was insensitive but if you people have a problem with the post get off this page. WHy are u even here? Instead of bitching about it go look on another website. And believe me I know it may have been wrong to do this and there are many ppl out there that wud take this to offense and do something drastic but I myself will admit im a cutter and I have attempted suicide more than once but I think Amy jusy made a small mistake. CALM THE FUCK DOWN

  19. Wahahahaha, I'm a cutter and I laughed my ass off!!!:)

  20. How could you even...?
    Seriously. you have no idea what you're talking about.

  21. First of all:
    I am....officially disgusted.
    WHY. Do you really in all honesty believe people take pictures of their cuts for attention? Have YOU ever cut? No? Yeah, exactly what I thought. You have no clue what it's like and you are basically telling people that you don't understand: If you feel that bad, quit doing stupid stuff like freaking hurting yourself and just end it. Gosh, it's not that hard.
    News Flash: It is that hard. And you'll never know until you've been through it. Ever. EVER. So don't assume that you have an answer to every single cutters problems. Don't assume that they're all attention whores searching for sympathy. They'd be idiots to mutilate themselves for sad looks and special treatment from the general population. That's disgusting.
    And that picture? "Down the street, not across the road"? You are...I don't know what for posting that. It's not funny, it's not right, and most of all, it is hurtful and offensive. No. Just no.
    Amy has no idea what she's talking about, right? Allow me to address the people who do.
    So many hypocrites. Yeah, I said it.
    I mean, if telling somebody to kill themself isn't the solution (NOTE: It isn't, and that was pretty damn insensitive/disgusting of you, Amy), then why in HELL would you think telling THAT PERSON who said that to go do the same thing is? I should tell the rest of you to get in the car and huff exhaust for 24 hours straight, why don't I?
    Because ALL OF YOU with depression issues and suicidal thoughts, TELLING SOMEBODY ELSE TO DO WHAT YOU HAVE CONSIDERED--ENDING THEIR OWN FRIGGIN' LIFE--IS SO DAMN HYPOCRITICAL. SO. HYPOCRITICAL. And that makes you a thousand times worse than whoever the hell wrote this post.
    All of you out there thinking you're justified in saying such a thing simply because someone said mean and ignorant things DESERVE to be told what she wrote. YOU FREAKING DESERVE IT. Because no matter how angry and offended you are, saying "Why don't you kill yourself instead of telling me to do it?" is a hideous thing no matter who it's coming from. And coming from YOU, somebody who KNOWS what it is like wanting to kill yourself--
    You should be ashamed. You should be a digging a hole and hiding in it. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO TELLING ANYBODY THAT NO MATTER WHAT YOUR SITUATION IS. And the fact that some of you would...that is horrid.
    This post disgusted me. But you people? You just make me mad, mad, mad. So mad. Shut the hell up about your being offended. You have no right to say such a thing anymore. None.
    And hell yeah, you need help. And I ain't talking about your cutting and suicidal thoughts. You need lots and lots of help.

  22. Don't ever tell anybody to kill themselves. It's just disgusting.

    If someone is a cutter, there's always something wrong. Hurting yourself is wrong it's not natural. It can be cry for help, or coping mechanism or something else, but it always means that something is not right.

    Next time you could think twice when you say something like that, your words can really hurt someone..

  23. I FUCKING HATE YOU.... DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS WEBSIGHT COULD MAKE PEOPLE DO? ARE YOU DUMB? say a self harmer looks at this thinking about suicide..... IT WOULD BE YOUR FAULT YOU MURDERER!!

  24. I used to cut and this is quite offensive. Cutting is an addiction. To be able to even have the courage to get help is an unremarkable show of courage. I was so afraid to get help and tell someone. Now that I did, my life is better. So please instead of mocking these people, try to understand that this maybe the only way they know how to get help. Instead of mocking them, encourage them to try to find help. Telling them to go kill themselves is only going to make it worse. If they do commit suicide,that blood will be on your hands. Grow up and stop putting people down.
