Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Amy Bhasin: Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple over Locatio...

Amy Bhasin: Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple over Locatio...: "Two men in Florida have filed a class action lawsuit against Apple over the recently-reported hidden database file found on iPhones and 3G-..."

Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple over Location Tracking

Two men in Florida have filed a class action lawsuit against Apple over the recently-reported hidden database file found on iPhones and 3G-enabled iPads that periodically records users' location coordinates.
The suit claims that "users of Apple products have ... no way to prevent Apple from collecting this information because even if users disable the iPhone and iPad GPS components, Apple's tracking system remains fully functional," according to
This data collection technique has apparently been in use since the release of iOS 4 (the current operating system running on the iPhone and iPad), which has been out for about a year. And while the initial report indicated that the data being collected wasn't being sent to Apple, subsequent reports claimed that location information was being sent to Apple twice daily unless Location Services were disabled in the settings menu.
So the distinction appears to be that as long as you've turned off the Location Services feature, your location information won't be sent to Apple. What people are upset about, though, is the fact that the iPhone will continue to collect location information and store it in a file. When an iPhone is synchronized to a computer, that file gets transferred and the location data stored within the file can be viewed by anyone with access to the computer unless the backup is encrypted first.
Although the privacy policy for iOS 4 contains a clause stating that Apple will collect anonymous "diagnostic and usage information" from users, this lawsuit claims that such information should be conveyed in a "single sentence disclosure." The privacy policy's wording deceives users "into believing that their every move would not be tracked by Apple and then stored for future use in an Apple-designed database," according to the lawsuit.


Amy Bhasin: STARING AT THE SEA: "I'm staring at the sea, A thousand memories all flood me, I'm sinking down My hands are tied, I'm sinking and serene, I'll just rest her..."


I'm staring at the sea,
A thousand memories all flood me,
I'm sinking down My hands are tied,
I'm sinking and serene,
I'll just rest here for a while,
Until the ocean pulls me in

All the memories fade away�
As the waves crash against me,
They break me,
I'm lost to the sea,
Nothing was ever real,
Now I'm free.

I can still make out your distorted face,
As I return to where I belong,
The requiem you sing is a sad song,
The tears you cry are the sea I'm drowning in,
They wash away a life time of sin

Amy Bhasin: You See..................

Amy Bhasin: You See..................: "Just some images I put together to educate people. Cyberlox Cat Girl Fishnet Shirt The (too common) 'Fuck You' Dress up ..."

You See..................

Just some images I put together to educate people.


Cat Girl

Fishnet Shirt

The (too common) 'Fuck You'

Dress up

Goth Make Up


The Fedora
[Johnny Depp does it better, admit defeat]

[you are not Gaga]

Multi-colored hair
[it doesn't suit everyone]

Scene Queen
[obvious edits are obvious]

Sun Kissed/Fried

[had to include this]

[rofl saved my fave for last]

Mood: amused

Amy Bhasin: To Find A way Through

Amy Bhasin: To Find A way Through: "To Find A Way Through I've Been Lost Here For for to many years, Consumed by memories, bloodshed and tears, I've lost sight of who i am..."

To Find A way Through

To Find A Way Through

I've Been Lost Here For for to many years,
Consumed by memories, bloodshed and tears,
I've lost sight of who i am,
Caught in a life i wish i never had,
I was born with a violence in my heart,
Now i have a second chance,
To walk away and start again,
Another country, Another life,
Will i make the same mistakes twice?
Or take a different path

Take my hand and lead the way,
I'm scared I'll lose the path again,
and get lost along the way,
Spend my days trapped in a haze,
waste my life with nothing to show for it,
Spend it all wallowing in the shit,
Of everything I've ever loved and lost,

I fought my way back to the beaten track,
From the darkest places of my mind,
I walk this path to a better life,
And leave the ghosts of my past behind

Mood: Tiered