Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Find A way Through

To Find A Way Through

I've Been Lost Here For for to many years,
Consumed by memories, bloodshed and tears,
I've lost sight of who i am,
Caught in a life i wish i never had,
I was born with a violence in my heart,
Now i have a second chance,
To walk away and start again,
Another country, Another life,
Will i make the same mistakes twice?
Or take a different path

Take my hand and lead the way,
I'm scared I'll lose the path again,
and get lost along the way,
Spend my days trapped in a haze,
waste my life with nothing to show for it,
Spend it all wallowing in the shit,
Of everything I've ever loved and lost,

I fought my way back to the beaten track,
From the darkest places of my mind,
I walk this path to a better life,
And leave the ghosts of my past behind

Mood: Tiered 

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