Monday, October 3, 2011

Amy Bhasin: Toxic Whales

Amy Bhasin: Toxic Whales: POLLUTION Sperm whales, feeding in places like the Arctic and Antarctic, are showing high levels of toxic and heavy metals, according to a $...

Amy Bhasin: Pedal Power

Amy Bhasin: Pedal Power: CYCLE DRIVE Here’s something Indian cities could learn from the United Kingdom. London has launched a Cycle Superhighway to make more people...

Amy Bhasin: The Bold and the Beautiful

Amy Bhasin: The Bold and the Beautiful: If there is one thing that Gita Gopinath’s success proves, it is that you don’t have to be ugly to succeed (‘India’s Next Gen Harvard Profes...

Amy Bhasin: I'm a Sleepwalker

Amy Bhasin: I'm a Sleepwalker: I saw a picture of you Hanging in an empty hallway I heard a voice that I knew And I couldn't walk away It took me back to the end Of e...

Amy Bhasin: No Chagrin

Amy Bhasin: No Chagrin: I take heed to feed the need of my shiny thing It welcome me with open arms, I run to it with speed Burning fire, awakens my desire for th...

Amy Bhasin: The Dusty Box

Amy Bhasin: The Dusty Box: The wires of my brain are arranged so that I�m insane I feel you in my veins and when it rains the ache in my heart remains I can�t explai...

Amy Bhasin: A Host of Tall Tales

Amy Bhasin: A Host of Tall Tales: Understand? Is that too much to ask? Take my hand, discard the mask Unwilling to try, unable to see Living with closed eyes, blind to ...

Amy Bhasin: A Host of Tall Tales

Amy Bhasin: A Host of Tall Tales: Understand? Is that too much to ask? Take my hand, discard the mask Unwilling to try, unable to see Living with closed eyes, blind to ...

Amy Bhasin: Stitched Up Failures

Amy Bhasin: Stitched Up Failures: With my seams stitched up tight Your broken schemes and shattered spite I throw away your face and banish you from my mind I won’t show y...

Amy Bhasin: Staring at the sea

Amy Bhasin: Staring at the sea: I'm staring at the sea, A thousand memories all flood me, I'm sinking down My hands are tied, I'm sinking and serene, I'll just rest he...

Amy Bhasin: How to read an Opus

Amy Bhasin: How to read an Opus: Strategies to get through a book on Sachin Tendulkar that weighs 40 kg I f you haven't seen an Opus before, it's over 800 pages long, with ...

Amy Bhasin: All That's Left Is Suicide

Amy Bhasin: All That's Left Is Suicide: He's so empty for all to see, there's a thousand people he tries to be, his eye's are glazed like broken mirrors reflecting his pain, the...

Amy Bhasin: All That's Left Is Suicide

Amy Bhasin: All That's Left Is Suicide: He's so empty for all to see, there's a thousand people he tries to be, his eye's are glazed like broken mirrors reflecting his pain, the...

Amy Bhasin: To Find A Way Through

Amy Bhasin: To Find A Way Through: To Find A Way Through I've Been Lost Here For for to many years, Consumed by memories, bloodshed and tears, I've lost sight of who i am...