Sunday, April 24, 2011

Amy Bhasin: India at a Galance (National Emblem)

Amy Bhasin: India at a Galance (National Emblem): "The State emblem is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. In the original, there are four lions, standing back to back, mo..."

India at a Galance (National Emblem)

The State emblem is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. In the original, there are four lions, standing back to back, mounted on an abacus with a frieze carrying sculptures in high relief of an elephant, a galloping horse, a bull and a lion separated by intervening wheels over a bell-shaped lotus. Carved out of a single block of polished sandstone, the capital is crowned by the Wheel of the Law (Dharma Chakra).

          In the State emblem, adopted by the Government of India on 26 January 1950, only three lions are visible the fourth being hidden from view. The wheel appears in relief in the centre of the abacus with a bull on right and a horse on left and the outlines of other wheels on extreme right and left. The bell-shaped lotus has been omitted. The words Satyameva Jayate from Mundaka Upanishad, meaning ‘Truth Alone Triumphs’, are inscribed below the abacus in Devanagri script.

Amy Bhasin: Really Serious Baby Babble

Amy Bhasin: Really Serious Baby Babble: "AUTISM Till now, we thought baby talk was just ata-pu, gadda-badu. A new study has shown that babble can actually predict if a toddler is on..."

Really Serious Baby Babble

AUTISM Till now, we thought baby talk was just ata-pu, gadda-badu. A new study has shown that babble can actually predict if a toddler is on the autistic spectrum. Scientists at the University of Memphis have used a computer programme to study baby talk and all the codes that lie within it. This audio analysis has already identified more than 85 per cent of autistic and non-autistic kids. Toddlers with autism tend to mangle syllables more. This programme could be used to screen children; early diagnosis means early intervention. In America, one out of 110 kids are on the autistic spectrum. Incidence is also on the rise in India.