Sunday, September 4, 2011

Amy Bhasin: Apparntly taking pictures of Cutting scars is the ...

Amy Bhasin: Apparntly taking pictures of Cutting scars is the ...: I found all these On this website within 5mins of looking around.. If someone wants to Cut themselves to make themselves feel better then ...

Apparntly taking pictures of Cutting scars is the new Cool thing to do

I found all these On this website within 5mins of looking around..
If someone wants to Cut themselves to make themselves feel better then
whatever more power to you.. But to take pictures of it and post it up and then say No one cares about you or that you dont care about yourself is quite bullshit.

1. Your looking for attention and sympathy.
2. You wanna create this "image" you are so desperatly trying to pull off.
3. And if you hate yourself so much save yourself the time and either Cut Straight downwards and just hit a vein already or do it oldschool and Get a rope.

Follow the Picture and make it fucking count

Amy Bhasin: Beneath the Waves and Against the Current

Amy Bhasin: Beneath the Waves and Against the Current: You held me under the water until I couldn’t breathe It made an ache in my lungs that refuses to leave I fight for the surface, but I’m si...

Beneath the Waves and Against the Current

You held me under the water until I couldn’t breathe
It made an ache in my lungs that refuses to leave
I fight for the surface, but I’m sinking even more
I hear your muffled screams; things you couldn’t say before
Unable to drown, I try to resist
Failing freedom you push me into an abyss
You loosen your grip and I break through the waves
But you pull me deeper and once again I’m a slave
You help me under water until my lungs began to burn
I wanted you to feel this; I waited for your turn
I made it to the surface and took in all the air
I looked to see your face but you weren’t anywhere
Down I go again beneath the water’s surface
Failure again; I wonder what is this fights purpose?
Finally I make it to the top
You’re coming for me and you’re not going to stop
My insanity grabs you by the neck and forces you down
Abandoning logic, I force you to drown
And I held you under the water until you couldn’t breathe
Forcing my ache upon you so that it could never leave