Saturday, March 19, 2011

Not such a Queer Household

Children raised by lesbian parents fare as well as they would in heterosexual households, new research suggests. whether or not kids from homosexual households are more likely to have a non-heterosexual orientation is still unknown. But if there is a genetic component to sexual orientation, it would make sense that kids born to a lesbian mom, say, would be more likely to be homosexual, scientists say. At the end of the day, what matters to kids is far deeper than parents' sexual orientation. In a study of nearly 90 teens, half living with female same sex couples and the others with heterosexual couples, both groups fared similarly in school. In another study, teens were asked about delinquent activities the previous year. Teens in both same sex and heterosexual households got the same average scores. Studies of gay male families are still limited since the phenomenon of male couples choosing to be parents is relatively new. 

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