Monday, April 25, 2011

Unshakable Mistake

They have what it takes to make you smile,
While I lack the ability to make you walk that extra mile�
All this pain remains, although I wish it to fade
Beautiful mistake, this longing I cant shake, for the blade�
Shining, it catches my eye, I try, but I cant help this�
Will my scars fade? Or forever stay? Was my ignorance really bliss?
Your memory weighs on my like lead, I try to forget you but you stick
With me instead, you are forever inside my head�
I see that photo my heart sinks deeper, my love I see you in my sleep
I wake to find that I was weeping�
Did it again, slid that demon against my skin, it felt so good to finally let it win�
Every day, I feel you slowly fade away, with every line I create, I forget the things
You used to say
Its too late, I cant wait for you to remember what our fate was suppose to be�
With a grin, I finally give in, and bring that shiny thing against my skin
A little line I make, shiver up my spine, I see that beautiful design�
And it is marvelous in my eyes

Mood: eh im alright

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