Friday, March 25, 2011

All That's Left Is Suicide

He's so empty for all to see,
there's a thousand people he tries to be,
his eye's are glazed like broken mirrors reflecting his pain,
there are so many people that wish him well,
But self destruction only wallows in his personal hell,

All that's left is suicide,
He ran out of places to hide,
he's to fucked up to care,
a razor across his wrists no one would notice he's not there,
he has nothing left to prove,
and nothing, nothing left to lose,

He tears away at his skin,
picking the scabs where his wounds have been,
he tries to feel for something more,
remembering the broken promises,
that left his insides cold and sore,
that left his insides cold and sore.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is worth feeling this way. Nothing. This should make everyone aware to always treat people the way they want to be treated themselves because sometimes you can hurt someone so badly they lose their strength for coping. Just watch and be aware. What bounces off one, can devastate another.
